Winter Essentials

By Pℇℇƙ - 3:57 AM

You guys! Have you looked outside?! Everything is white :) and cold! :(

It's soo cold here right now, that I really really really don't want to leave my house.
So that's why I came up with my winter essentials. I NEED these to make it through winter. Maybe you do too, so here they are:

  • Skincare:
    My skin is pretty demanding for it's age. Especially during the winter season it needs some extra love and attention. Heavy creams don't really work for me as they clog up my pores and leave an oily residue.
    Therefor I'm using a serum (mine are from the drugstore, and the brands are: -CadeaVera, Anti-aging Q10; and -Rival de Loop, Revital Q10).
    Additionally I use a moisturizing lotion from Estée Lauder, Daywear, Advanced Multi-Protection Anti-Oxidant Creme SPF15; and during the night I use the lotion series to my serum, so the CadeaVera Anti-Wrinkles Q10 Night lotion.
    All of them, except for the Estée Lauder which is more of a splurge, are very inexpensive, yet I do see a difference in how my skin feels and looks in the winter time. 


  • Going for the outer body:
    You may see this picture and be like: What the heck is she showing me here!?
    Let me tell you: It's a Seeds Pillow. You can get them in different variations: with seeds, with pits, with dried lavender (although those are for a different purpose).
    The inside warms up eg in the microwave or the oven. They hold the warmth pretty well. Once they are warm enough, you put the pillow on your neck, or your back, your tummy, whereever and it's a natural heating pat. It's genius! 

  • Socks.
    Just something you can't miss out on are worm, fuzzy, comfy socks. Mine are self-made by ma grandmother so they give me an extra ounce of warmth :)

  • Dresses
    Now getting dressed in the winter might always look the same: thick jeans, big boots, big sweater and a big jacket. After months and months that might become a bit boring. So having some winter dresses in your wardrobe is a must-have. This one is made out of warm and thick materials and let me tell you, wearing some big tights underneath with some extra socks and booties (like the once down) and you're good to go!

  • Sweaters
    Winter time is sweater time. So basic essentials are:
    - a turtleneck:

 - and a christmas sweater. Simple as that. There's something wrong if these are missing from your winter wardrobe!

  • Scarfs:
    Now I love scarfs! They are plankets that you can wrap around your neck and they keep you warm. You can also hide your face in them if you just picked on that nasty pimple on your chin and you don't want to be seen. Great. Simply great! I love mine because of the pattern on it and the colors. Love!

  • Nailpolish
    Let's not forget about our accesoires! When you wear a big chunky sweater or a scarf no one really notices your necklace or your bracelet. So we're left with rings and nailpolish. Rings, for me, don't have a season. Nailpolish however does. In the winter time i, of course, prefer dark reds. But also plumps, gold, sparkles, and white. If you havent't tried a matt red on you're fingers yet, you've seriously missed out! Top 'em off with some toppolish and you have a great weapon against the dull winter grays.

  • Shoes
    Now I am 100% positive that you like fuzzy slippers/houseshoes as well during the winter times, right? And tbh I have three pairs at home. I have these purple ones which I basically already worn to death, I have fuzzy pink slippers with a sparkling bow. But I thought I lost one of the pair (idk how you lose only one shoe especially if you only ever wear them around the house). Luckily, yesterday I found it again. YEY! And lastly I have some red ones with white specks in them. Very christmas-y. Even though christmas is over, I'm gonna wear the heck out of them until the snow is gone. So maybe until may ... 

  • And then winter booties.
    Tbh, I don't have many winter boots. I just always hope, we won't get a winter this year. But I guess I'm outta luck.
    These ones I love though. It's my second season wearing them and they still go strong. They're made out of recycled material which was used on planed or sth like that. Anyways the keep my feet warm, the keep my feet dry, and I love how they look. That's all.

 Now my boots are over the knee boots. Probably also my second season waring them. But I also wear them in the spring and fall. During winter I put an extra warm sole in them and we're good to go. I got them from H&M actually for unter 50€. They were worth the money!

 So, these are all my winter essentials. Of course I could go on with my face masks, and tees, and winter jackets, and even more clothes, and activities and and and. But then this article would be just waaay too long!

I hope you're staying warm in this cold winter and maybe find some fun in it as well (maybe go sledge riding). If you have any more winter essentials, leave me a comment what you need during this season, or link me on instagram! :)

Lots of love,

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